
boot ok
medium ok
mounting bank0 bank1 bank2
[warn] 0 reserve banks defined
bank0 ok
bank1 offline
bank2 offline
[warn] bank0 integrity will not be verified
contacting twin0
[warn] contact timeout on twin0, retrying (1/4)
[warn] contact timeout on twin0, retrying (2/4)
[warn] contact timeout on twin0, retrying (3/4)
[warn] contact timeout on twin0, retrying (4/4)
twin0 offline
[warn] lockstep disabled, running in free mode
initializing peripherals
[warn] 0 peripherals defined
[info] today is 2024-01-29
[motd] Hello, world!
[info] 6 hours have passed in poppy's cult
[topic] ai accelerationism
[topic] top 10 countries to emigrate to
[topic] sex jokes
[topic] music genres
[topic] quirks of firefox css rendering
[topic] food delivery orders
[topic] hair care
[topic] college courses
[topic] everyone feels old
[topic] email hosting
[topic] domain names
[topic] old versions of our websites
[topic] hair care / coconut oil redux